somewhere I've been past in my van hundreds of times but never stopped and had a look, there are reportedly 20lb pike,big carp,Roach and Rudd to 3lb,
Tench into double figures, and the reason why I'm going big fat stripeys, that's it I'm off Saturday the 16th November hope the lakes ready for the visit of TheGudgeon.

My tackle is the same as before but i will be setting up one of my Matt Hayes rods so i can float fish, and i will also be taking my lure rod so i can do a bit of dropshotting never done this style of fishing before so should be fun.
It's 6.55am Saturday morning and I've just arrived at The old quarry fishery in Betchworth. On first impressions was WOW, it look liked I'm walking back in time doesn't seem as if anybody has fished this place for years, does this mean I going to have a good day erm I mean come on I am TheGudgeon I could fish in a tank full of hungry piranhas and blank.
So first thing first have a look around see what's about and where I fancy to fish, and the far corner by the over hanging tree looks very perchy indeed so that's where I head, now according to the bailiffs son who paid me a quick visit to take my 15 quid for two rods he told me I'm on the deepest side of the lake but in the wrong swim. I should be in peg 5, four swims down to my left in between the two trees fish as close as you can to the snags and keep the feed going in, thanks for that bit of info but after dragging my self round here I give this swim a go for a while so I can recuperate and have a brew. But three hours later I'm sitting here fish-less not even a nibble, I drop shotted, lure fished,and even put a spinner through the swim and the only thing I caught was the bottom first then I went straight in the bush I've got to admit I'm not great at this fishing lark but I just love being out on the bank me vs the fish.
It's time to move now I've got to load up the korum barrow and lug the whole lot round to peg 5, don't get me wrong it's not that far but the path isn't that good and not that wide either so after slipping on the wet leaves once and having the barrow tip over after getting the wheel stuck I arrive in the swim. First things first, sod the fishing make a cup of tea and relax get my breath back, ten minutes later I'm sorting myself out, and all the time I'm doing this 4 or 5 maggots are being thrown as close to the snags as possible so by the time I cast out the swim should be ready and willing to give up its jewels please pretty please.
So now I'm fishing and within two minutes I'm in to a fish a small perch returned safely, i cast back out and the float goes straight under again and a fish of the same size comes swinging in i'm happy now because i am catching.
Now where are the monsters I ask my self, so I keep the bait going in after a while my swim goes a bit quiet so I take it that's a sign something big has move in. I'm getting nervous now, with that the float bobbles and slides under the water and as soon as I strike I know this is not a tiddler, it feels like an age before I get my first glimpse of the beast in the crystal clear water out in front of me it's a good one but before I can slip the landing net under the fish the hook pulls and the perch all of about 2lb just drifts back into the roots of the tree to my right, it's not going to be my day.
Now where are the monsters I ask my self, so I keep the bait going in after a while my swim goes a bit quiet so I take it that's a sign something big has move in. I'm getting nervous now, with that the float bobbles and slides under the water and as soon as I strike I know this is not a tiddler, it feels like an age before I get my first glimpse of the beast in the crystal clear water out in front of me it's a good one but before I can slip the landing net under the fish the hook pulls and the perch all of about 2lb just drifts back into the roots of the tree to my right, it's not going to be my day.
I put the landing net down and rebait my hook, I'm not going to dwell on the fact that I lost a good fish but It happens. So I cast back out in the same place and to my amazement the float bury's straight away and the battle begins again. This time i say to myself take it easy because it feels a lot bigger than the last one, after what seems like an hour (really it was the best part of a minute) i get the first glimpse of the fish rolling in front of me, I could see the stripes of a very big Sargent it's a PB if I can land it but to my horror it happens again you got it the dreaded hook Pull!!! at this point I just throw the rod down in the bush and sulk for at least half hour, i lost the first one and just put it down to bad luck. But losing second fish just knocked the stuffing out of me, I half heartedly tried to fish on but the swim just seem to go dead, so i packed up and headed home. I'm not proud to say I gave up, I've been defeated it's not a great feeling but sometimes you have to step back away from what you are doing to see where you are going wrong, and i have done just that, now i can see the mistakes I made and make adjustments accordingly.
I'm not finished with this lake, I'm going to have to come back again and again until I get the answers I want, and for the lake to give up it's jewels, so until next time i'm still on the hunt for that 4lb perch.
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